
Podcasting: Pros and cons of integrating podcasting in Adult Education

"WE ARE MASTERS OF THE UNSAID WORDS, BUT SLAVES OF THOSE WE LET SLIP OUT." - WINSTON CHURCHILL  What is podcasting? Podcasting is one of the most exciting and wonderfully disruptive technologies to emerge in recent history. Anybody can get involved, express themselves, exchange ideas. Podcasting is disruptive because it breaks all the rules, and puts the power to communicate into the hands of individuals. The price of admission is some basic audio/visual recording equipment and a desire to communicate (Geoghegan and Klass, p. 2).   ESL programs can put the “third space pedagogy” into action when integrating podcasting in the curriculum.  Gutiérrez et al. (1999) defined third space pedagogy as "a classroom community of difference that uses multiple mediating tools and makes use of all the spatial, cultural and linguistic resources of its participants" (p. 287).   In an ESL classroom, where the Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills are integrated i

Multimedia Interview Assignment

“For a bunch of hairless apes, we've actually managed to invent some pretty incredible things.”  ―  Ernest Cline,  Ready Player One How can technology help building a community in the libraries? Professor Dan Ireton from Hale Library in K-State tells us about the ARG project “Ready Player One” (2013) Thanks to Dan Ireton who is not only an amazing librarian, game advocate and worthy opponent, but also a great husband. I can vouch for that. 

Wikis for collaborative learning, knowledge construction, critical thinking, and contextual application.

“WHEN GIVEN THE CHOICE BETWEEN BEING RIGHT OR BEING KIND, CHOOSE KIND” RJ PALACIO Adult Learning Center ESL 301 8-Weeks Lesson Plan Target audience: Adult English Language Learners; ESL 301 TABE 10/11 CFR C1 Week #1 – Welcome Unit and Unit 1 Personal Information Materials: Ventures 3 Student Book and Workbook, “Wonder” book, handouts, PCs Learning Objectives: Discussing, goals, filling out a goal form, discussing past and future events. Describing and comparing likes and interests, describing and discussing personality types ·          Introduction to class. ·          Presentation of syllabus, daily schedule, classroom expectations. ·          Digital Literacy: Northstar digital literacy assessment: (1) Basic Computer Skills and (2) Internet Basics ·          Vocabulary: Review time phrases. Personal interests, personality types, adjectives that describe people. ·          Activate student’s prior knowledge. Wa

Being an immigrant in The Little Apple: a story of challenges and opportunities.

On March 28th, I had the honor to share a part of my story as an immigrant in The Little Apple in the Talk20 MHK 4th Edition from the Manhattan Public Library. Even though I have taught for about 15 years, public speaking does not come easy to me. I was very nervous, but when I realized the technology was not working as it should have, I just relaxed and kept going with my talk. I am no one important, I am just another immigrant story, but I hope you get something from my talk, as I got a lot from sharing it.  Also, my husband was the MC from the event, how fun is that! My talk ends at minute 52:00, but I encourage you to watch the other talks, they were very personal and meaningful.  Stay tuned!

Wikis: Pros and Cons for Adult Learners

“IF A CHILD CAN'T LEARN THE WAY WE TEACH, MAYBE WE SHOULD TEACH THE WAY THEY LEARN.” ―   IGNACIO ESTRADA A wiki is a cross between a website and a word document, in the form of an interactive page that makes possible to students to read, generate and publish content online (Wiseman and Belknap, 2013, p.360). A wiki allows people to add, modify or delete content in collaboration with others. The Wiki’s content does not have a defined owner. A wiki can be used for knowledge management, and note taking. Ward Cunningham created the first wiki in 1994, called Wikiwikiweb. He described the task “the simplest online database that could possibly work” (HandsonERP, 2014). Wiseman and Belknap (2013) further suggest that “Wikis can serve as a knowledge platform where learners form a community in which they share their knowledge with a group, discuss issues, post interesting pieces of information, and work together” (p. 362).  SHOULD WE USE WIKIS IN THE CLASSROOM? PROS.  Alth